Program: HEX2DSK Purpose: Translate a hex dump made with DMP.TSK (with the /WD switch) into a binary file. This can be used as an ugly but simple way to download a raw disk image for use with the Ersatz-11 emulator. Hex mode is chosen because it's more concise than an octal dump so it will take less time to transfer. That's just relative though, the transfer can still take quite a while. HEX2DSK is picky about input lines and ignores anything it doesn't like, so all it actually looks at is the "Logical block" heading on each block, and the hex data lines. Anything that doesn't look exactly like one of those possibilities is ignored, so there should be no need to manually trim anything out of your terminal session log file before feeding it to HEX2DSK. The program checks to make sure the addresses and block numbers are in the proper sequence, so really obvious transfer errors will be caught, but it's still perfectly possible for minor transfer errors to pass through undetected. You have a good chance of getting a good image if it's over a clean line, but there are no guarantees. Usage: Connect to the RSX system using a PC terminal program with logging enabled, and type: >INS $DMP (if DMP.TSK wasn't already installed) >DMO ddu:/DEV/LOCK=V (if you're dumping the system disk) >MOU ddu:/FOR (if it's some other disk) >DMP TI:=ddu:/WD/BL:0 (dump out the whole device) The transfer will generally take hours, possibly days if the disk is big enough. Be warned. When the transfer is complete, close the log file and then run HEX2DSK like this: C:\>hex2dsk foo.log foo.dsk This will read a log file named FOO.LOG (created by the terminal program, for example using "LOG SESSION FOO.LOG" in MS-Kermit) and write the binary image into FOO.DSK. Author: John Wilson, D Bit, Date: 31-Jul-1999